로그인 회원가입

섬개개비과 섬개개비과 영어로


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  • Locustellidae
  • 섬개개비    Styan's grasshopper warbler
  • 개개비과 개개비과    Acrocephalidae
  • 개개비    개개비 『鳥』 the reed warbler.
  • 개개비속    Acrocephalus (bird)
  • 동양개개비    Oriental reed warbler
  • 쇠개개비    Black-browed reed warbler
  • 개개비사촌과    Cisticolidae
  • 큰부리개개비    Thick-billed warbler
  • 개개    개개 [個個·箇箇] [낱낱·각자] being individual; each one; an item; [모두] all; every one; everyone. ~의 individual / separate / several. ~의 문제 a separate problem. ~의 특질 individual characteristics. ~를 시험해보다 try ev
  • 개비    개비 a piece of split wood[timber]. 성냥~ a matchstick. 장작 두 ~ two pieces of split firewood.개비 [改備] (a) renewal; replacing. ~하다 renew; replace ; refurnish; refixture. 양복장을 ~하다 refurnish with a new ward
  • 비과    loquat
  • 섬개구리 만세    Long Live the Island Frogs
  • 개개의    individual; separate
  • 개개인    개개인 [個個人] individuals; each and every person; each single person.
  • 고비과 고비과    Osmundaceae
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